Chapter 13 Flashcards

Its able to enter lysogeny under certain circumstances, this is a temperate phage and it infects E.coli as well. 4 Explain how the processes of generalized and specialized transduction relate to bacteriophage replication cycles. [Comprehension] 5 Describe phage/lysogenic conversion.Specialized Transduction Specialized transduction occurs only with certain types of bacteriophage, such as phage lambda. Lambda has the ability to establish what is called a lysogenic infection in a bacterial cell.Lysogeny might be an adaptation to conditions where phage-susceptible bacteria are rare, since lysogenic bacteria (and hence their resident phage) can replicate regardless of whether uninfected bacteria are present.In specialized transduction, the phage undergoes lysogeny usually at specific locations in the bacterial genome called attachment sites. During this process, the phage genome usually integrates into the bacterial chromosome as virus replication is repressed during lysogeny.Specialized transduction by phage P22 is different from, and less restricted than, the well characterized specialized transduction by phage lambda, due to differences in the phage DNA packaging mechanisms. c2 gene product is one of two P22 maintenance (of lysogeny) repressors.

Generalized versus Specialized Transduction | Forum

BACKGROUND Lysogeny and lysogen immunity. Temperate bacteriophage are characterized by their ability to replicate either by a lytic growth cycle at Entry into the lysogenic cycle is directly promoted by three regulatory genes called cI, cII, and cIII. The "c" in each case stands for "clear", as mutants...As nouns the difference between lysogeny and transduction. is that lysogeny is the incorporation of the nucleic acid of a bacteriophage into that of a host bacterium; sometimes transmitted to daughter cells following lysis while transduction is (biology)...How does specialized transduction differ from regular lysogeny? The prophage in specialized transduction carries with it pieces of the host chromosomal DNA. How can specialized transduction contribute to the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in a bacterial population?How does specialized transduction differ from other forms of information transfer between cells? Specialized transduction transfers information from one bacterial cell to a second bacterial cell. The information takes the form of DNA that can be used to perform new functions once in the second cell.

Generalized versus Specialized Transduction | Forum

Lysogeny - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Transduction is the process by which foreign DNA is introduced into a cell by a virus or viral vector. An example is the viral transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another and hence an example of horizontal gene transfer.Specialized transduction - only specific regions of chromosome located near attachment site are transduced ANSWER: A distinguishing difference between generalized transduction and specialized transduction The E. coli hfl gene affects the lysis-lysogeny decision of phage lambda.Solution for How does specialized transduction differ from generalized transduction? A: The nephridial organs, also called nephridia, are the specialized structures that function in both all show all steps. How does specialized transduction differ from the lytic cycle? Phages play an important role in the transmission of genetic information between bacteria by process of transduction. T-even bacteriophages are large complex and non-enveloped with head and tail.Lysogeny ly·sog·e·ny (lī-sŏj'ə-nē) n. The fusion of the nucleic acid of a bacteriophage with that of a host bacterium so that the potential exists for the newly integrated genetic material to be transmitted to daughter cells at each subsequent cell division.

Lysogeny vs Transduction - What's the adaptation?lysogeny | transduction |

As nouns the difference between lysogeny and transduction

is that lysogeny is the incorporation of the nucleic acid of a bacteriophage into that of a number bacterium; infrequently transmitted to daughter cells following lysis whilst transduction is (biology) the transfer of genetic subject matter from one bacterial cell to another by a bacteriophage or plasmid. Transfection vs Transduction - What's the adaptation?transfection | transduction |

As nouns the adaptation between transfection and transduction

is that transfection is (molecular biology) the introduction of overseas dna into a eukaryotic cell while transduction is (biology) the switch of genetic subject material from one bacterial cellular to every other through a bacteriophage or plasmid. Transduction vs Conduction - What's the adaptation?transduction | conduction |

In physics|lang=en terms the difference between transduction and conduction

is that transduction is (physics) the conversion of power (particularly mild power) into some other shape, particularly in a organic process equivalent to photosynthesis or in a transducer while conduction is (physics) the conveying of heat or electricity via material.

As nouns the adaptation between transduction and conduction

is that transduction is (biology) the switch of genetic material from one bacterial cellular to any other via a bacteriophage or plasmid whilst conduction is (physics) the conveying of heat or electricity through subject matter. Conversion vs Transduction - What's the adaptation?conversion | transduction |

As nouns the difference between conversion and transduction

is that conversion is conversion whilst transduction is (biology) the transfer of genetic material from one bacterial cellular to another through a bacteriophage or plasmid. Taxonomy vs Transduction - What's the difference?taxonomy | transduction |

As nouns the variation between taxonomy and transduction

is that taxonomy is the science or the methodology used to make a classification while transduction is (biology) the transfer of genetic subject material from one bacterial cellular to another by means of a bacteriophage or plasmid. Transduction vs Transductive - What's the difference?transduction | transductive |

As a noun transduction

is (biology) the transfer of genetic material from one bacterial cell to another by way of a bacteriophage or plasmid.

As an adjective transductive is

of or bearing on transduction. Transduction vs Transductional - What's the variation?transduction | transductional |

As a noun transduction

is (biology) the switch of genetic subject matter from one bacterial mobile to some other by way of a bacteriophage or plasmid.

As an adjective transductional is

of or concerning transduction. Transduction vs Prodynorphin - What's the variation?transduction | prodynorphin |

As nouns the adaptation between transduction and prodynorphin

is that transduction is (biology) the transfer of genetic subject material from one bacterial mobile to another by way of a bacteriophage or plasmid whilst prodynorphin is (biochemistry) an opioid polypeptide hormone involved with chemical sign transduction and mobile conversation. Transduction vs Retransduction - What's the variation?transduction | retransduction |

As nouns the difference between transduction and retransduction

is that transduction is (biology) the switch of genetic subject material from one bacterial cell to any other by way of a bacteriophage or plasmid whilst retransduction is a 2nd or subsequent transduction. Transduction vs Paxillin - What's the difference?transduction | paxillin |

As nouns the variation between transduction and paxillin

is that transduction is (biology) the transfer of genetic subject matter from one bacterial cellular to another by way of a bacteriophage or plasmid whilst paxillin is (protein) a signal transduction adaptor protein.


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